Installation and configuration

Install using pip

Install this library using pip:

$ pip install django-sql-dashboard

Run migrations

The migrations create tables that store dashboards and queries:

$ ./ migrate


Add "django_sql_dashboard" to your INSTALLED_APPS in

Add the following to your

from django.urls import path, include
import django_sql_dashboard

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    path("dashboard/", include(django_sql_dashboard.urls)),

Setting up read-only PostgreSQL credentials

The safest way to use this tool is against a dedicated read-only replica of your database - see security for more details.

Create a new PostgreSQL user or role that is limited to read-only SELECT access to a specific list of tables.

If your read-only role is called my-read-only-role, you can grant access using the following SQL (executed as a privileged user):

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA PUBLIC TO "my-read-only-role";

This grants that role the ability to see what tables exist. You then need to grant SELECT access to specific tables like this:

TO "my-read-only-role";

Think carefully about which tables you expose to the dashboard - in particular, you should avoid exposing tables that contain sensitive data such as auth_user or django_session.

If you do want to expose auth_user - which can be useful if you want to join other tables against it to see details of the user that created another record - you can grant access to specific columns like so:

  id, last_login, is_superuser, username, first_name,
  last_name, email, is_staff, is_active, date_joined
) ON auth_user TO "my-read-only-role";

This will allow queries against everything except for the password column.

Note that if you use this pattern the query select * from auth_user will return a “permission denied” error. You will need to explicitly list the columns you would like to see from that table instead, for example select id, username, date_joined from auth_user.

Configuring the “dashboard” database alias

Django SQL Dashboard defaults to executing all queries using the "dashboard" Django database alias.

You can define this "dashboard" database alias in Your DATABASES section should look something like this:

    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",
        "NAME": "mydb",
        "USER": "read_write_user",
        "PASSWORD": "read_write_password",
        "HOST": "",
        "PORT": "5432",
    "dashboard": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",
        "NAME": "mydb",
        "USER": "read_only_user",
        "PASSWORD": "read_only_password",
        "HOST": "",
        "PORT": "5432",
        "OPTIONS": {
            "options": "-c default_transaction_read_only=on -c statement_timeout=100"

In addition to the read-only user and password, pay attention to the "OPTIONS" section: this sets a statement timeout of 100ms - queries that take longer than that will be terminated with an error message. It also sets it so transactions will be read-only by default, as an extra layer of protection should your read-only user have more permissions that you intended.

Now visit /dashboard/ as a staff user to start trying out the dashboard.

Danger mode: configuration without a read-only database user

Some hosting environments such as Heroku charge extra for the ability to create read-only database users. For smaller projects with dashboard access only made available to trusted users it’s possible to configure this tool without a read-only account, using the following options:

    # ...
    "dashboard": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",
        "USER": "read_write_user",
        # ...
        "OPTIONS": {
            "options": "-c default_transaction_read_only=on -c statement_timeout=100"

The -c default_transaction_read_only=on option here should prevent accidental writes from being executed, but note that dashboard users in this configuration will be able to access all tables including tables that might contain sensitive information. Only use this trick if you are confident you fully understand the implications!

dj-database-url and django-configurations

If you are using dj-database-url or django-configurations (with database extra requirement), your DATABASES section should look something like this:

import dj_database_url

# ...

    "default": dj_database_url.config(env="DATABASE_URL"),
    "dashboard": dj_database_url.config(env="DATABASE_DASHBOARD_URL"),

You can define the two database url variables in your environment like this:


Django permissions

Access to the /dashboard/ interface is controlled by the Django permissions system. To grant a Django user or group access, grant them the django_sql_dashboard.execute_sql permission. This is displayed in the admin interface as:

django_sql_dashboard | dashboard | Can execute arbitrary SQL queries

Dashboard editing is currently handled by the Django admin interface. This means a user needs to have staff status (allowing them access to the Django admin interface) in order to edit one of their saved dashboards.

The regular Django permission for “can edit dashboard” is ignored. Instead, a permission system that is specific to Django SQL Dashboard is used to control edit permissions. See Edit permissions for details.

Additional settings

You can customize the following settings in Django’s module:

  • DASHBOARD_DB_ALIAS = "db_alias" - which database alias to use for executing these queries. Defaults to "dashboard".

  • DASHBOARD_ROW_LIMIT = 1000 - the maximum number of rows that can be returned from a query. This defaults to 100.

  • DASHBOARD_UPGRADE_OLD_BASE64_LINKS - prior to version 0.8a0 SQL URLs used base64-encoded JSON. If you set this to True any hits that include those old URLs will be automatically redirected to the upgraded new version. Use this if you have an existing installation of django-sql-dashboard that people already have saved bookmarks for.

  • DASHBOARD_ENABLE_FULL_EXPORT - set this to True to enable the full results CSV/TSV export feature. It defaults to False. Enable this feature only if you are confident that the database alias you are using does not have write permissions to anything.

  • DASHBOARD_DISABLE_JSON - set to True to disable the feature where /dashboard/name-of-dashboard.json provides a JSON representation of the dashboard. This defaults to False.

Custom templates

The templates used by django-sql-dashboard extend a base template called django_sql_dashboard/base.html, which provides Django template blocks named title and content. You can customize the appearance of your dashboard installation by providing your own version of this base template in your own configured templates/ directory.