
SQL queries default to displaying as a table. Other forms of display - called widgets - are also available, and are selected based on the names of the columns returned by the query.

Bar chart: bar_label, bar_quantity

A query that returns columns called bar_label and bar_quantity will be rendered as a simple bar chart, using Vega-Lite.

A bar chart produced by this widget

Bar chart live demo: simonwillison.net/dashboard/by-month/

SQL example:

  county.name as bar_label,
  count(*) as bar_quantity
from location
  join county on county.id = location.county_id
group by county.name
order by count(*) desc limit 10

Or using a static list of values:

    VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three')
) AS t (bar_quantity, bar_label);

Big number: big_number, label

If you want to display the results as a big number accompanied by a label, you can do so by returning big_number and label columns from your query, for example.

select 'Number of states' as label, count(*) as big_number from states;

Output of the big number widget

Big number live demo: simonwillison.net/dashboard/big-numbers-demo/

Progress bar: completed_count, total_count

To display a progress bar, return columns total_count and completed_count.

select 1203 as total_count, 755 as completed_count;

This SQL pattern can be useful for constructing progress bars:

select (
  select count(*) from task
) as total_count, (
  select count(*) from task where resolved_at is not null
) as completed_count

Output of the progress bar widget

Progress bar live demo: simonwillison.net/dashboard/progress-bar-demo/

Word cloud: wordcloud_count, wordcloud_word

To display a word cloud, return a column wordcloud_word containing words with a corresponding wordcloud_count column with the frequency of those words.

This example generates word clouds for article body text:

with words as (
      (regexp_matches(body, '\w+', 'g'))[1]
    ) as word
  word as wordcloud_word,
  count(*) as wordcloud_count
group by
order by
  count(*) desc

Here’s a fun variant that uses PostgreSQL’s built-in stemming algorithm to first remove common stop words:

with words as (
      (regexp_matches(to_tsvector('english', body)::text, '[a-z]+', 'g'))[1]
    ) as word
  word as wordcloud_word,
  count(*) as wordcloud_count
group by
order by
  count(*) desc

Output of the word cloud widget

Word cloud live demo: simonwillison.net/dashboard/tag-cloud/


Return a single column called markdown to render the contents as Markdown, for example:

select '# Number of states: ' || count(*) as markdown from states;


Return a single column called html to render the contents directly as HTML. This HTML is filtered using Bleach so the only tags allowed are a[href], abbr, acronym, b, blockquote, code, em, i, li, ol, strong, ul, pre, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6.

select '<h1>Number of states: ' || count(*) || '</h1>' as html from states;

Custom widgets

You can define your own custom widgets by creating templates with special names.

Decide on the column names that you wish to customize for, then sort them alphabetically and join them with hyphens to create your template name.

For example, you could define a widget that handles results returned as placename, geojson by creating a template called geojson-placename.html.

Save that in one of your template directories as django_sql_dashboard/widgets/geojson-placename.html.

Any SQL query that returns exactly the columns placename and geojson will now be rendered by your custom template file.

Within your custom template you will have access to a template variable called result with the following keys:

  • result.sql - the SQL query that is being displayed

  • rows - a list of rows, where each row is a dictionary mapping columns to their values

  • row_lists - a list of rows, where each row is a list of the values in that row

  • description - the psycopg2 cursor description

  • columns - a list of string column names

  • column_details - a list of {"name": column_name, "is_unambiguous": True or False} dictionaries - is_unambiguous is False if multiple columns of the same name are returned by this query

  • truncated - boolean, specifying whether the results were truncated (at 100 items) or not

  • extra_qs - extra parameters for the page encoded as a query string fragment - so if the page was loaded with state_id=5 then extra_qs would be &state_id=5. You can use this to assemble links to further queries, like the “Count” column links in the default table view.

  • duration_ms - how long the query took, in floating point milliseconds

  • templates - a list of templates that were considered for rendering this widget

The easiest way to define your custom widget template is to extend the django_sql_dashboard/widgets/_base_widget.html base template.

Here is the full implementation of the big_number, label widget that is included with Django SQL Dashboard, in the django_sql_dashboard/widgets/big_number-label.html template file:

{% extends "django_sql_dashboard/widgets/_base_widget.html" %}

{% block widget_results %}
  {% for row in result.rows %}
    <div class="big-number">
      <p><strong>{{ row.label }}</strong></p>
      <h1>{{ row.big_number }}</h1>
  {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

You can find more examples of widget templates in the templates/django_sql_dashboard/widgets directory.